Research uncovers more Landings parishes

By Kevin McDonnell

We are using contact details from original Landings parish communications, some dating back to 2003, to get in touch with parishes that invested in Landings. This exercise is enabling us to build a picture of the status of Landings in the UK in 2017. We are learning that, down the years, there have been many changes of Landings people across the country, that Landings has died in some parishes, that it is alive and thriving in other parishes and that there is a desire out there to either revisit Landings or look at it for the first time. We are also learning that Landings has made a quiet but very positive difference where it has taken root.

This piece of work will enable us to develop a strategy to reinvigorate Landings. Within this strategy we will use our improved Landings materials, greater teamwork exploiting today’s communication vehicles, the knowledge that we have gained from our experiences, the skills that we have built up throughout the UK and publicity for Landings’  achievements.

If you know of a parish offering Landings, that does not appear here, then please let us know.

Landings taster workshop in Beaconsfield: Saturday 19th March, 10am

By Ian Johnson

This workshop will offer a  taste of Landings and demonstrate the power of the Landings process and how it helps returning Catholics. All welcome – potential returners or ‘welcomers’ alike, or those simply interested in recommending Landings to others.

Saturday 19th March at St Teresa’s, Beaconsfield, starting at 10 am and finishing between1-1.30 pm with a mid-morning break for refreshments.

No commitment will be asked for but, if you are thinking of attending, please phone or e-mail so we can gauge numbers. Please call Maggie or Ian on 01753 482496 or mail

A brief history of Landings at St Joseph’s, Epsom

By Kevin McDonnell

We started Landings in our parish in June 2003 when 3 of us, 2 lay people and a nun, attended a short introduction to Landings course at Ealing Abbey.  In the weeks following the course we used the Landings literature to help us set up our own Landings programme. Our parish priest gave us the names of people that might be interested in joining our Landings team and after a few weeks we had a team of 5 lay people and a nun ready to help absent Catholics return to the church.

Our lay people consisted of a Police IT support technician with a wife and three young children, a qualified teacher – currently a home maker – with a husband and three young children, a human resources manager, a retired IT manager and a retired teacher. We advertised our Landings programme to the parish with articles in the parish newsletter, leaflets at the back of the church and the occasional verbal reminder from the parish priest at the end of Mass.

Continue reading “A brief history of Landings at St Joseph’s, Epsom”

Megan’s Story

By Megan

I grew up in a small Australian town, attended a Catholic primary school and was influenced by my parents’ beliefs.  When I left home for University, Church didn’t take top priority in my life.  I was busy pursuing my goals, working part-time jobs and forming relationships.  There may have been the odd hang over to contend with too.  I began teaching in Catholic schools, and attended mass as part of the school community on an irregular basis.  I stopped attending mass altogether when I moved to the UK.  There was too much to do in London.  Between work, travel, going out with friends, plus the day-to-day stuff, religion didn’t seem to have a high priority in my life.

Continue reading “Megan’s Story”