Landings Retreat July 19th-21st 2024

Finding God In All Things

Landings 2024 retreat is now being held at the Oblates Centre, Crewe from July 19th-21st July. Our theme this year is on the welcome space that God creates for us in all aspects of our lives. We just need to open our hearts to see and feel God’s presence. All are welcome but places are limited. For an expression of interest or to book a place, please contact Ruby at

Landings Retreat

Bookings are now open for the Landings Retreat in Crewe from 8th to 10th December. Inclusive costs are £175 per person. Places are limited so please book as soon as possible. Email Ruby at

Catholic Listeners Telephone Helpline

Landings has proudly helped set up this new helpline service. We would be delighted if you could be able to attend on October 18th at 6:30pm (Mass in Farm Street Church at 6pm). This is a free event and there will be several short presentations, Q&As and a buffet supper. Please let us know if you are coming by October 1st in an email to Ade Owusu-Ansah, Catholic Listeners Project Manager, at

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The RCIA programme for 2023 will commence on Saturday 21st October.

RCIA is aimed at anyone who has been considering becoming a Catholic. The programme based at Farm Street, Mayfair is conducted by experienced lay parishioners and Priests and Nuns. There are twelve sessions held twice a month beginning on 21st October and finishing on 23rd March.

If you interested in doing RCIA, please email for an application form

Landings Summer Programme

Landings 1 and Landings 2 begin on 4th June and will be held in person at Farm Street Church, Mayfair. Places for both programmes are limited. Please email Ruby at for details and to reserve a place.

Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. 1927-2022

Pope Benedict’s visit to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales in 2010

With much sadness come to terms of the death of Emeritus Pope Benedict who passed away today. We also express our love and joy for the wonderful service he gave to the Catholic Church and the faith he so loved.

We are blessed to have the legacy of his many books, sixty odd in number, as well as his three encyclicals Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi and Caritas in Veritate (God Is Charity, Hope of Salvation and Charity in Truth).

We pray for the repose of Benedict's soul that he may rest in peace and rise in eternal glory. Amen.

Farm Street website announcement

Westminster Diocesan statement with details of Masses being offered for Pope Benedict

Landings Autumn Programme

Contact Ruby at for details of the in-person programmes and online programmes


June 26-July 2, 2022

A seven-day pilgrimage into the heart of Ignatius Loyola under the spiritual leadership of 
Frs. Thomas A. Kane, CSP and Julio Giulietti, SJ

You are invited to join Frs. Julio Giulietti, sj and Thomas A. Kane, csp on a seven day ignatian pilgrimage into the heart of St. Ignatius Loyola in Rome. We invite our pilgrims to engage fully in the Spiritual Exercises to deepen their relationship with Christ.  Retreat conferences will focus on the spirituality of St. Ignatius and Jesuit history.

This will be a small group experience, land only. Full details available from Paulist website link below.

Diana Klein

The passing of Diana Klein is remembered by many within the Landings family. Diana was known for, and much respected for her work as a catechist, a photographer, a writer, editor, and lecturer. Diana was also involved with Landings when it was based at Ealing Abbey. So, it is with great sadness that we pay our respects to Diana for the love, passion and commitment she showed through her faith and to the many people whose lives she touched through her work in the Westminster Diocese.